Companies from Non-EU-Countries like China and the US who have to pay German VAT on invoices can apply for the refund. This application has a very strict deadline: Until 30th of June of the following year you have to take part in an electronic procedure (with certificate etc.) and all original invoices must be send to the Central Tax Office.
I can help you with that. To reduce your risk to zero we can find an agreement saying that we share the refund. This means that you would not have to pay me at all if the application is not successfull.
Let me explain in an example:
You take part in a fair in Germany. You have to pay rent, electronic cost, services etc. to the amount of EUR 20.000 plus EUR 3.800 (19%) VAT.
You send me the original invoices and I take care of the electronic application. The Central Tax Office pays a refund, which we share: You receive 75% (=EUR 2.850) and I receive 25% (=EUR 950).
As far as invoices for 2017 are concerned we need to react immediately !!!